College admissions tips landing page

/College admissions tips landing page
College admissions tips landing page 2019-09-27T05:30:30-07:00

Free eBook: Over 100 Tips for High School Teens to Prepare for College and HOW TO BE A WINNER at the College Admissions Game.

Andi Frimmer, “The Get Your Kid Into
College Lady” has worked with over 377 students
and 137 college admissions.

Discover Exactly What Steps to Take in Each Grade of High School and Accelerate Your Success in Getting into Your College of Choice!

  • All 100 tips are outlined in this eBook – Through this book you will learn exactly what to do in each year of High School to prepare for the college admissions process.
  • You’ll be given step-by-step instructions on how to use your resources for a proven way to optimize your chances of getting into college and how to create options for a successful experience in finding the best fit college.
  • Plus you’ll get more than 100 winning ways that you can start using immediately in prepare for college and bring you options and techniques to get into your desired and best fit college with ease and maybe even some scholarship money too!


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You’ll Get Download Access to the Full eBook!

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Get ACCESS to Andi Frimmer’s college presentation to parents and teens and hear the answers to inside questions about HOW to get into college!
