Is an Athletic Scholarship in Your Teen’s Future?

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Is an Athletic Scholarship in Your Teen’s Future?

Many teens dream of playing college sports for their favorite college. As a parent you may well believe your teen has what it takes to make it onto a team. Realistically, only a small percentage of high school athletics will get a chance to Apply For Sports Scholarships  in college. If you think your teen can be one of the chosen few, you need to know how to get a coach’s attention. Below are few Steps  For Getting a Sports Scholarship

  • Ask the high school coach to evaluate your athlete’s skills. Division I and Division II schools have different requirements. Determining where your athlete fits best will get a Student Athlete Scholarship  and it help you in your search for the best teams where your athlete is qualified to compete.
  • Grades are important. A minimum GPA requirement of 2.3 is required to qualify for NCAA sanctioned sports. SAT and ACT minimum score requirements vary depending on the athlete’s GPA. For more information go directly to the NCAA website:


  • Every student athlete needs to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center, preferably by the beginning of junior year. Once registered, an official transcript must be sent directly from the student’s high school and SAT/ACT scores must also be sent from testing centers. Update when you have new information to share.
  • Videos showing the athlete’s highlights should be posted to YouTube. Include stats and contact information.
  • Create an athletic resume to send to prospective coaches. It should include the athlete’s stats for his/her sport, a link to the YouTube video, a brief recommendation statement from the athlete’s high school coach and the athlete’s contact information.
  • You must adhere to the NCAA guidelines regarding your sport and also Sports You Can Get Scholarships For When coaches can contact an athlete vary according to the sport; research and know the rules. It is extremely important to be in compliance
  • Athletes can contact coaches before coaches can contact athletes. Again, there are strict guidelines to follow so know the rules before you initiate contact.
  • Create a spreadsheet with contact information for each coach/college on your list. Send an introductory email letter with the athletic resume as an attachment. Share the link to the YouTube video as part of the letter and again on the resume. Use the spreadsheet to track correspondence between yourself and the coach.
  • Send the email so it can be opened during the business day. Avoid sending the email on weekends or holidays. Research tournament schedules to avoid sending the email when the coach is distracted and not in his/her office.
  • Persistence is key. Follow-up about ten days later with another email


  • Invite the coach to see your athlete in action if there are showcase events available. Give the coach all data necessary to find your athlete on the field/arena.
  • Visit a college and arrange an unofficial meeting with the coach in advance. Hand deliver your athletic resume with the link to the YouTube video prominently displayed.
  • Send emails to as many colleges as possible. You never know where there is an opening on the team that your athlete may fulfill.
  • If you have any other questions about selecting a college, or the admissions process, feel free to contact me through my website at or call me at 760.877.7200. I’d love to answer your questions!
By | 2023-02-13T02:10:08-08:00 November 21st, 2022|College Tips, Home page, Tips for Parents, Tips for Students|0 Comments