Summer break is the perfect time to get a head start on your college applications. There are many things a rising senior can do to prepare for application season. Below is a list of suggestions:
- Finalize the list of colleges to which you wish to apply. The list should consist of up to three reach schools, four to six target schools and up to three safety schools.
- Summer is the perfect time to begin writing college essays. The main essays on the Common Application are available online. Review your choices and begin the writing process. I suggest my clients brainstorm and outline each question before making their final choice. This process allows her/him to determine which question is best and write a better, more thought provoking essay.
- The Common Application goes live August 1st. Other college applications also become available during the summer. Complete as many applications as possible before the start of senior year.
- Decide which teacher you wish to ask for a recommendation letter. Prepare a letter with your request and have it ready for the first day of high school.
- Study for the ACT or SAT if you are not satisfied with your previous score(s). Retake the exam during the fall of senior year.
Create a resume. List all accomplishments you have achieved since middle school. Don’t forget to include:
- Work experience
- Community service activities (Show how you made a real impact)
- High school activities including clubs, sports, honor societies, awards
- College level courses taken during the summer or the school year
- Anything exceptional you have accomplished that makes you shine, shows your passion or commitment to a cause that may continue to grow as an adult
- If you need to provide an art portfolio, a video production tape or an audition piece (live or video) for your college apps, the summer is the perfect time to get these prepped and ready to go.
- Prepare an arts resume listing all advanced training you have received or productions in which you have been involved (such as junior theater, dance classes/competitions or art classes/awards).
- If you are trying to play on a Division I or II athletic team, complete the athletic questionnaire for each college on your list (check each college’s website for information). Also put together a YouTube video of your athletic highlights and prepare an athletic resume.
If you have any other questions about selecting a college, or the admissions process, feel free to contact me through my website at  or call me at 760.877.7200. I’d love to answer your questions!
Andrea (Andi) Frimmer, M. Ed.
Prep 4 College Now, Inc.
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